Listen To The Water

Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a Mini Vision Quest where I took ‘questers’ to a sacred watering hole hidden deep within the Santa Cruz Mountains. We started our day at a historic bridge which spans the river we would be spending time with. We learned about the river and how it played a crucial role to the local Ohlone tribelets for hundreds of years. This is the river where they would fish for Coho Salmon and Steal-head Trout. This river is Life. Today, you still see many native elders visiting this spot….so special!

When we started our hike to the watering hole, we were greeted by a Raven as we started on the trail. He sure had a lot to say!! It was such a beautiful and welcoming way to start our hike. The forest was magical, and our hike was both fun and a smidge challenging at times which made it even more rewarding.
When we reached the watering hole we set up base camp, and settled in for some storytelling. I read the story ‘Listen To The Water’ by Ohlone elder Alex Ramirez. After listening to the wise words of our elders, we created art with river water and pigments offered by Mother Nature.
Then we spent time in solitude. Each quester ventured off to find a spot in seclusion where they can connect with nature, reflect, and go with the flow. Magical things happened on this trip. Check out this video to see one of my favorite moments. I snuck this video of Sherry spending time with nature and Spirit. Check out the reflections on the tree!! SO beautiful!
We also visited a woodland cemetery that is over 200 years old. It’s a very special place with lots of spirit activity. I drummed for the spirits, and I drummed for the land. It felt good. It felt right.
This Mini Vision Quest proved to be a magical and fulfilling day. I felt my heart growing as I watched questers connect to their INNER CHILD. This magical day is one that will not be forgotten, and one that will be looked back upon as a day of learning and gratitude.
I hope that you can make it to my next visit quest happening on Friday, October 18.
For further information and tickets, please visit:
Community BLOOMING Under a FULL MOON
On Saturday evening I hosted a Full Moon Drumming Circle. It was really neat because there were several new folks at the circle. It’s so fun to see our community growing! While I was setting up for the circle, I had a little helper come join me….Grasshopper! Grasshopper brings the energy of teaching and learning, among other things. So perfect!
During this Full Moon Ceremony we drummed for ourselves. We drummed for self-love. We drummed for our past, our present, and our future. During the drumming circle I mentioned that animals and other critters are often drawn to the sound of drumming. They are drawn to the vibration. It’s not uncommon to have pets come and lay down nearby as your drumming. Birds come closer, fish swim to the end of the pond to feel the vibration. Then, during the next round of drumming we had a PRAYING MANTIS visit the circle and land on Elizabeth, one of our first time drummers. It landed on her inner wrist and visited her for a while. How cool is that?! Then it jumped onto my forehead for a few seconds and then left the circle. It’s little magical moments like the visit of a praying mantis that can truly feed your soul, and help you see with new eyes. Such a blessing! Please join me for Octobers Full Moon Drumming Circle:
One last thing… On Wednesday (9/18/19) evening my good friend Grace Cloyd and I are hosting our monthly Honoring Your Abilities in the Real World meeting. We will be discussing different ways to manage abilities, expand your abilities and stay balanced in “the real world”. How do you protect yourself from picking up negative energy of others? How do you keep yourself focused and quiet during meditation? These are just a couple of things we will be talking about. There will be lots of sharing and lots of learning at this meeting, so be sure to bring a journal. I hope to see you there. For more information and to RSVP for this free event please visit:
Thank you for your time today. May you and yours always Walk in Beauty. Namaste —- Karen