How I've Lost 135 Pounds – Walking My Shamanic Path

Howdy-Do Friends!

I’m taking a big step out of my comfort zone with this journal blog today, because I’m talking about my weight. Yikes!!!  This is a deep and personal topic for me to discuss openly because I have struggled with my weight most of my life, and this struggle had always been a source of inner shame for me.  So, I’m just going to dive right in and get this blog out there for the world to read/watch!

Many people have asked me about my weight loss over the past couple of years.  You would think I would be thrilled to discuss the number of pounds, inches and/or sizes I have lost, but I was finding that I just wanted to change the subject anytime the topic of my weight  came up.   Over the past 6 months I have become more comfortable and more confident when it comes to discussing my weight, so there’s no better time than now to share my journey of shedding 135 pounds (so far!).  More sharing via my candid video below

I’m not following a diet plan, or counting calories, or cleansing.  I’m just simply learning to be 100% my true self, and honor who I am.  I am learning to break out of molds that have been holding me back – molds that I often found comfortable and safe.  I’m learning to trust my intuition and do what I feel is right even when others may think I’m losing my marbles.  🙂  I am learning to listen to my body, and meditation is good medicine for me.

Here are a few major steps I have taken, either knowingly or unknowingly, that have led me to personal growth and weight loss:

I Lead A Shamanic Lifestyle – Connecting with nature, animals, and the elements feeds my soul.  I have discovered how to balance my mind, body and spirit by walking a shamanic path.  I try to MEDITATE everyday because it grounds me and brings me back to a place of peace and calm.  And I live in the Silicon Valley!  My point being you can connect with Mother Earth and your grounding medicine anywhere.

I Left Corporate America –  I loved my career 25+ year in Human Resources.  I was good at my job, and I enjoyed it very much.  But overtime I became aware that my ‘job’ was slowing sucking the soul out of me.

My ‘Full Switch’ Turned On – Somewhere along the line I regained the ability to FEEL full after eating. In the past I could eat and eat and never really feel full.  But now, it’s like a ‘full switch’ in my stomach goes on and off as needed.   I am no longer eating for comfort….well at least not all the time….I at a ton of peanut butter cookie ice cream last night.  It was awesome!

I’m Eating Intuitively – I started craving lots of greens, especially arugula.  My eating patterns have definitely changed and I most often crave vegetables, although I do crave Jack In The Box tacos from time to time so I honor that craving when it comes up.  Also, am usually aware of why I am wanting that comfort food now.  I’m learning a lot about myself.

I (mostly) Don’t Worry About What Others Think Of Me – I used to.  I used to care A LOT about how other people ‘saw’ me or what they thought of me.  If they didn’t like me, I would often take it personally.  I would sometimes find myself spending time with people who didn’t serve me well just because I wanted them to like me.  I realize now that it’s perfectly fine to step away from people that I don’t enjoy being with, or that I know are not good for me.  I now TRUST MYSELF to know how to and who with I wish to spend my time.

I still have more weight to loose and I look forward to continually learning and growing.   Thank you for listening to my story and for your  ongoing support.   I hope you found some golden nuggets for yourself within my words.  That is my reason for sharing.  🙂  I wish you all the best and tons of love!

Namaste – Karen




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September 29, 2024 | 10:00 AM
Ticket Price:$50

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