What do I do?… Well, I am a modern day shamanic practitioner. People often call me a “shaman”, and I AM a shaman. I am not comfortable with referring to myself as a shaman – not sure why, but it is what it is. So what does it mean to be a shaman?
I feel a strong connection with Mother Earth and all living things. I have a connection with the elements and the directions. I am able to communicate with the “spirit world”, and I often receive messages for other people. And, I am an energy worker, meaning I am able to feel sense and sometimes see energy. I have been taught how to move energy for healing and/or to build a more positive environment. So, as a shamanic practitioner I do a lot of things that all kind of come together into this really cool way of living. I’ll try to break some of this down a bit….
I am a seer – I see visions, often messages that are meant for other people. At times I see spirits of people who have passed. I see messages from the spirit world in this ordinary world. Many times these messages are delivered by animals.
I am a traveler – You may have heard the term “journeying” before…that’s what this is. I have been trained to travel into different worlds by reaching altered states of consciousness via meditation. The lower world is a magical place filled with animals, nature and magical colors. The upper world is a place that is very cosmic. Both the lower world and the upper world are very safe, loving and knowledge filled places. The middle worlds can be a bit tricky (this is a whole separate conversation).
I am the hollow bone. This is a shaman’s fancy way of saying I can deliver messages back and forth between this ordinary world that we are living in and the spirit worlds. I am a messenger between worlds. With every journey I take, I have a specific intention for that journey. Often, my intention is to connect with spirit helpers who can aid me in finding an answer to a specific question. I journey for myself often, but I also journey for other people then deliver a message back to them.
I am a guide – I can help you go on a meditative journey in search of answers, or to meet your power animal(s). Sometimes this works well for a client. Sometimes it is not productive. In this case, I will journey for a client at a later date to seek answers on their behalf.
I am a kind of spiritual housecleaner – we all have baggage that we carry around with us. We all have emotional upsets that have led to energy blockages in our bodies. I can pull out the negative and the unneeded energy and send it away. It’s kind of like cleaning a toilet…..shit builds up, and at some point a good cleaning is needed.
Chakra balancing is also a common reason people come to see me. This is a simply and easy form of energy cleansing that is good to do on a regular basis. Just like getting the oil changed in your car….cleansing your chakras is a great way to stay fit and balanced.
I communicate with spirit – We all have the ability to do this. It’s not something that came to me without trying. I had to learn to slow down and get grounded. But I did it, and I’m telling you if I can communicate with spirits, so can YOU! You just have to find your path and stay on it. I enjoy journeying on behalf of others, and I find this kind of spiritual work especially rewarding when I come back with a message that holds significance to my client.
I am a dowser – As a seasoned dowser, I am often contacted to help locate water, lay lines, minerals, and unmarked graves. Dowsing is also an excellent way to communicate with spirit energies, and get answers to specific questions.
I am a Certified Crystal Healer – I have to hold myself back here, because I LOVE everything about crystals and stones!…I could go on and on about it. There are so many ways crystals aid and enhance your life. I use crystals in just about every shamanic practice I take part in. I also enjoy bringing healing and comfort to clients through crystal healing sessions. A crystal healing session is fantastic for any living thing (person, animal, plant, etc.) and uses the energy from specific crystals to heal and/or relax the being. If you think this sounds like a bunch of nonsense, just watch a crystal healing session being done on an animal. It’s pretty darn cool!
I let my intuition guide me. I have learned that by following my intuition I am allowing myself to be more easily guided by spirit. I would expect that all healers and seers feel this way to some extent. Sometimes a person will come to me asking for confirmation that they are on the right path, or if they are interpreting their own feelings/intuition. I can either follow my own intuition or connect with a sprit helper to help answer these questions. Often, the answers are not a simple “yes”, “no” or “maybe”. But whatever the outcome, it holds some kind of answer for client.
I hope this has shed some light on what a shaman is, and what a shaman does. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for your time and interest.
Namaste. —- Karen