Camp, Creativity, Connection & Chief Joseph
I’m baack! What an amazing adventure I had!
If you had a chance to read my post Adventure Awaits – you learned that I have a close spiritual connection with Chief Joseph. I am happy to say I have an even deeper connection to him after this trip. I was definitely reminded over and over again that our connection is strong, and I was reminded of the many different ways there are to communicate…. via our inner knowing, through nature, through signs and synchronicities.
After spending a couple of days with my brother and his partner in Portland, I drove East to Joseph OR, where I would spend some time with my friend and mentor Whitney Freya before a weeks long retreat that was all about creative feminine energy and power.
While making my way across Oregon I felt compelled to stop at the Pendleton Wool Factory in Pendleton OR. This was not a place I was planning to stop, but I needed to stretch my legs and I felt curious. I’m so thankful that I stopped. When I walked in I saw a huge picture of Chief Joseph up on the wall. What a nice surprise!…Hello my good friend! It turns out, in 1895 when the Pendleton Company decided to start weaving blankets with Native American designs, they started with the “Chief Joseph design”, in honor of the Nez Perce Tribe and Chief Joseph.
I had birthday money to spend, and I found the perfect blanket for myself, with the Chief Joseph print of course. So special!

As I entered Wallowa Valley and the homeland of the Nez Perce Indian Tribe, I could feel the energy shift. I could feel the wildness of this beautiful land. This stunningly beautiful land also has a feeling of great sadness. I cried a lot as I drove the road through this territory I could feel the pain in my heart and soul on this leg of my journey.
The road literally ends in the town of Joseph. Like, you hit the base of Mount Joseph and can’t go any further by car. Not for miles and miles and miles. This is the town where Whitney lives, and it was such a treat to have some quiet time with her before the retreat started. Her property is so welcoming and creative, it’s a creative sanctuary.

I got to stay at Whitney’s house for a night, and one of the first things I saw the next morning were two young bucks playing/fighting and banging their heads together (sparring) in Whitney’s front yard. So cool!….just another sign from Spirit.
Buck is one of my power animals. I welcomed and embraced this meaningful sign.
Whitney took me down the road to introduce me to Lake Wallowa. This is the lake I first saw in my meditation with Chief Joseph. It looked just as it did in my meditation. Whitney pointed out the mountains on the other side of the lake…. Mount Howard, Eagle Cap, and Chief Joseph Mountain. How cool is that!?
The retreat was fabulous. We stayed at the Wallowa Methodist Camp which was so sweet and charming. It was like going back in time…we were fed 3 fabulous meals per day, the Wallowa River ran through the camp, we could see the Milky Way at night. It was truly magical.
I made lots of new friends, I taught and learned, I offered meditations and sound baths, I stepped into my fears, I had fun being my true self. I loved every single minute of it! I am very much looking forward to returning next year! …Maybe you will join me?!
And guess what!?!?! After some exploring, I found the locations Chief Joseph shared with me in my journey meditations so many years ago! The video below shows some of the highlights and explorations of my week in Joseph….. ENJOY!
Now, I’m headed North and I will return home with lots of new treasures for our online crystal store. WoooHooo!!
I hope that you adventure and explore in your own way. May you always wonder and wander and keep your heart filled with love.
And, if you cross paths with Chief Joseph in your meditations, please give him a big hug for me.
Namaste — Karen