To Quest Or Not To Quest….Do YOU Have A Vision?

Are you someone who is drawn to Shamanism?  I am guessing your answer is “yes” because you have found yourself here, in this moment, reading this blog.  🙂  Or maybe your answer is “I don’t know”, and that’s exciting because there is so much to learn if you are indeed interested in pursuing shamanic learning.  Overall, Shamanism is the practice of honoring and connecting to Mother Earth and all living creatures.  If you find peace in the forest, or calm by the sea, or cleansing when the breeze touches your skin, or if you are reminded of your ancestor(s) when you hear a bird sing….chances are you are already practicing a shamanic lifestyle to some degree.

I have another question for you…. Have you heard of a Vision Quest before?  A vision quest, known as a Weyekin or wyakin /ˈwjəkɪn/ to the Nez Perce Tribe of the Pacific Northwest USA, is a time/space/event where everything in the world – animals, trees, rocks, etc. – possesses a consciousness.  Well, this is always true, but during a vision quest and questing individual intentionally goes out into nature to connect and communicate with Spirit.  These spirits of nature are thought to offer a link to the invisible world of spiritual power.   These spirits are seen as mediators, guides and/or helpers and relationships can be formed and strengthened with continued practice.   

Traditionally within the Nez Perce Tribe, to receive a weyekin or vision quest, a young person around the age of 12 to 15 would go to the mountains with the intention of deeply connecting with spirit via nature. The person about to go on this quest would be tutored and taught  by a “renowned warrior, hunter, or medicine man,” if they were boys, and girls would be guided by “an elderly woman of reputed power”. The participant’s success and learning has much to do with how they prepared their minds before and during the quest. Fasting for long periods of time, going without a fire, holding their spiritual retreat in a remote and “awe inspiring” location.  A vision quest can last for a number of days and nights.  Often, a participant will not return home from their quest until they have found the answers they were seeking.

So,  traditionally a vision quest requires a lot of work & commitment, and it requires much teaching and preparation prior to venturing out on a quest.  It is a practice that is to be deeply honored and respected.  In an effort to give you a glimpse of what you may see/hear/feel on a vision quest, I have prepared somewhat of a sampling of a quest.   Why?….because then you can see how you feel while you are connecting through nature.  Does it feel like a fit for you?…do you want more?  It’s good to know how these practices feel to you and if you would like to pursue more, or not.

As a Shamanic Practitioner, I have lots of teachings and passed down knowledge I would like to share.  I am currently finalizing an online Introduction To Shamanism course  PLUS,  I will also be hosting a number of hands on workshops for those who are local, or wish to travel, to the San Jose CA area.   Fun and interesting stuff coming your way!!  The first scheduled event is coming up on May 23rd where I will be hosting a “Mini Vision Quest”.  Does this sound interesting?….read on!!

Mini Vision Quest: Unplug for just a few hours and get a feel for what a “vision quest” is all about. Karen Adamski, Shamanic Practitioner, will guide you in spiritual journeying & ancient shamanic practices that will teach you to ground to Mother Earth. You will probably run into an animal helper or two! If shamanism calls to you, this will be a day that will fill your soul. This day trip will include a BALANCE of connecting with NATURE, connecting with your INNER-CHILD (yes, a fun craft project will happen!), connecting with SPIRIT, and HONORING YOURSELF.
We will be meeting at Vasona Lake County Park in Los Gatos. All students will be required to bring a water bottle, bag lunch, layered clothing, walking shoes, an offering for Mother Earth, a sitting blanket and a journal. There is a small entry fee to get into the park. All other supplies will be provided. *a minimum of 5 preregistered students required Ticket cost: $65
Please visit to learn more about this and other events.

Many blessings to you my friend.  May your path always lead you to beauty, learning and gratitude.  A’ho.

Namaste — Karen

Our Workshops

NOLA Mardi Gras Retreat

February 26, 2025 | 8:00 AM

Bucket List Trip! Welcome to the NOLA Mardi Gras Retreat!   The Village is excited BOOK A SEAT TODAY

Mini Vision Quest – Almaden

March 19, 2025 | 9:00 AM
Ticket Price:$55

Let’s Gather and Quest What’s a Mini Vision Quest? … It’s a one-day event, spent BOOK A SEAT TODAY

Free To Be Me, a 3 Day Retreat

June 6, 2025 | 4:00 PM
Ticket Price:$200

Free To Be Me A Three Day Retreat June 4-6, 2025   Take time to BOOK A SEAT TODAY

Mountain Mama’s Shasta Retreat

July 21, 2025 | 12:00 AM

Mountain Mama’s Retreat July 21 – 26, 2025 – Private Home, Mount Shasta CA ​ BOOK A SEAT TODAY

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