Howdy-Do & Happy New Year!!
As the year 2019 closes I send love and gratitude to all of my tribe…family, friends, spirit, students, clients, community and beyond. I love my tribe. The tribe I belong to makes this world a better place in many different and individual ways. With each of our footsteps, with each our our voices, with each of our practices and rituals, we heal and bless this place we call Mama Earth.
I know living a true and spiritual life can be hard at times, to wonder if what we are doing is making an impact… energy work, vibrational medicine, drumming, prayers, quiet voices chanting, energetic alignments, crystal medicine, clearings and more. But don’t forget to reflect upon the beauty and power that you have encountered time and time again through your spiritual practices. Take that beauty and power then multiply it by your life’s experiences (that’s a lot!), and then multiply that by all of our lives, and let that echo throughout time and space – This is the beauty and power of tribe.
Tribe is like fabric. “The fabric of our lives” is a saying that reminds me of tribe. Tribe is created and built just like fabric. Individual threads come together and become stronger, they weave and bind, and they create beauty, strength and warmth. There is a lesson in this – it is the lesson of fabric. The woven threads of life… the sacred cloths that carry us and wrap us and hold us dear, the sacred quilts made by our elders with love.
We are all important threads in this life we are living. I encourage you to feel that thread within you. When you feel the pull of that thread…follow it! Spirit is calling you, life is calling you, the wind the Earth, the trees, the Moon, the animals and so much more. For each of us comes a unique call. Follow it. As you move forward in this new chapter called 2020, know you are supported by the woven energy of your tribe. Nothing is beyond you. Nothing is beyond us.
Tons of love and appreciation to you all. May this new year be a beautiful and exciting new chapter in your life. May we grow together and dream this world into a healthier and more beautiful place.
Thank you for being. And thank you for being part of my tribe.
Namaste — Karen